Alan Scott & Me (giuseppe)
All the services offered on this site,
would not have been possible without the
generosity, kindness and guidance of the
people in these pictures. I am forever
grateful and humbled by their support.
Thank you Alan, John, Eileen and Mike John Van Camp Carving Limestone
Alan Scott was a great teacher and I hope also a friend.
He was so giving not only in teaching me about oven building but he was always happy
to talk politics, ethics, philosophy...
Without his initial help and support there would be no "My Little Oven"
Alan Scott died recently ....I think of him often and always smile..
If you desire his DYI oven plans please stop by his web site at "Ovencrafters"
Where his children, Lila and Nick carry on his work.
John Van Camp is an artist, master mason, entrepreneur and patriot.
His support and guidance have been overwhelming. He took me in off the street and
taught this crazy Yankee proper mason techniques and discipline....not to mention
the importance of details and common sense.
He has mentored many of my projects and is never.. it seems.. more than a phone call away.
It is impossible for me to thank John enough for all he has shared with me.
If you would like some beautiful limestone carvings visit John's web site
Where would I be without my dear friends
Eileen and Mike Chandler.
Somehow...someway.... Eileen thought it would be nice
to have a wood fired brick oven in her yard. Mike and Eileen
Somehow... someway...she allowed me to build it!!
Crafting that oven from slab to chimney top gave
me the start I needed.. Mike was my "foreman" and
support throughout the build.....he showed me how to
use many tools I was once clueless about...but mostly
he encouraged me to carry on....even when I had no
idea what to do or how to do it? Eileen continues to
share her sage advice and friendship and for that I'm
most grateful.
By the way, Mike happens to be a gifted furniture
maker, if you like to see some beautiful antique and
handcrafted pieces drop him a note at emlogcabin2@yahoo
and ask him to send you some pics!
Finally, thank you to the best welder ever
and true craftsman...Richard....from Richard's Welding
Service in Pfluggerville. Richard has fixed more problems
than I can list...from Oven doors to iron gates...
always a gentleman...always with the solution!!
If ever you need an honest and talented welder call Richard
at 512 251 3260
Also, a special thank you to Hal Davis Jr
Joe Manor and Donna and John Reynolds!!
Contact Us at: 210 710 2830 or
We are now located in beautiful and friendly
Canyon Lake, Texas. Happy to be here !!!